Observe the behavior of people arriving by car to park at Netpark, understand the main complaints from customers, observe the process of onboarding new clients, and explore the space to identify possible locations for promoting the app for entry into any parking lot in the network.
Space Recognition​​​​​​​
One of the first tasks in this work was to recognize the location, as well as the points of contact with the valet and the customer, the payment booth, the quick stop area for cars, the quick stop for motorcycles, and the barrier gate.
Several photos of the location were taken in order to memorize and produce the visual documentation, which was the deliverable for this work.​​​​​​​
I shadowed the routine of the valet and the parking manager, capturing their pain points with the registration process and critical moments around handling customers and suppliers simultaneously during peak hours.​​​​​​​
To facilitate the understanding of vehicle movement in different situations, I illustrated the problems encountered through a floor plan of the location, making them understandable for the client and helping us in arguing the advantages of the app and its promotion within the parking lot.
With the collected data, I placed the photos and infographics in the context of each scenario, documenting the main consequences of the absence of the app.​​​​​​​
App Promotion Locations​​​​​​​
Two locations were chosen for promoting the app at the site, where visibility and impact are immediate..

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