The goal of this project was to build OSGEMEOS' website from scratch, using a vast collection of their indoor and outdoor artworks as the foundation.

With all the information and a few ideas in mind, we created sketches for the client presentation. The first idea was to display the locations of their works through a map. The second idea was to showcase a timeline right on the first fold of the homepage, highlighting their most significant works over the years. This would become one of the website's key features.
Of the two proposals we made, the one that was most well-received was the timeline

Information Architecture​​​​​​​
A preliminary organization study was also conducted based on the content they had.
Once the sketches and macro architecture were approved, we began the creation of the website layout.​​​​​​​
Ficha técnica

Sketches and Information Architecture Marco Moreira
Layout Nasser Said e Rodrigo Lima

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